Instead of gettin after it with a U-HAUL or a Budget Rental Truck, I had a good friend loan me his horse trailer for a few days. He's a fishing guide, and he's guiding for the next few weeks down on the Big Horn River. As I write this, he or his clients most likely have a sore arm from playing MONSTER Big Horn Rainbows. Needless to say, he wasn't gonna need his horses, or his trailer today. It's big and burly and it came in handy. Check it out.
After a few hours, I just started tossing things in, but really started to think about having too much weight. Working on a home remodel project in the mountains east of Missoula recently, I loaded my truck up with so much weight in Missoula, it wasn't even funny. I wish I took a picture, but I put concrete mix all over Reserve St that day. So I had that on my mind.
Once you leave the town of Ennis, there is two different routes to take to get up to our house. In the winter one way doesn't get as blown in with snow, and pulling a trailer today, I figured the mellow route that takes a bit longer would be the way to go. Passing by the Jumping Horse Ranch, the views of Cedar Mountain are incredible.
Here's a bit earlier on the trip taking a rest after climbing the Norris Hill. The Tobacco Root Mountains can be seen in the background.
I was a bit concerned with pulling the trailer and the condition of our road after a recent big spring snowfall, but the warm temperatures melted most of the snow down in lower elevations, and just created a little mud. This road stays covered in snow most of the winter, but is usually kept in pretty good shape. I drove it everyday for 2 years, building Fossel's house, and I think I helped pull only one lady out of the ditch on a REALLY icy day, and helped someone else out with a flat on another day.
After a slow creep up the Jack Creek road, I finally pulled into our driveway.
Here's the view out the kitchen window. Gonna have to get a good scope to set up to look at the mountain goats up there.
Spring is starting to take over up there and the house is starting to look a bit inviting
Here's a shot of Fan Mountain from the driveway. I hope to have future posts involving climbing around and skiing on this incredible peak.
Well, there you have it. Katie's posts are usually informative and what-not, not mine. Mine are just what ever I feel like writing. At least for now. Hope you enjoy it and it inspires EVERYONE that reads this to come visit.