Above all, try something. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring Snow

April 26, 2011

Woke up to yet another snowstorm this morning. It seems like the snow hasn't stopped since November. I've been reading articles lately about snowpack in the mountains being way above normal and wildlife extending their stays in their wintering grounds. Living at 6000 feet, I believe it. I was hiking last night in knee deep snow in areas at this time last year were completely dry. I've learned to embrace it, for it does nothing but put you in a bad mood if you don't. It's all part of the game. 

I've decided to try to write as little as possible for this blog post, and let some of you just enjoy some photos. Or hate them, if you're sick of the snow, as it seems from 99% of the people on Facebook.

I did want to mention how cool I thought it was that there are over 5,000 page views on this blog. Some of them from far off countries. It would be pretty cool to know who you are, but I guess we may never know. Maybe we should include some sort of discussion forum on here?

The other day Katie mentioned how she thought it was so cool when a Robin perches on the very tops of trees. I love her, she is the best.


Curious about the snow

Probably not for Katie, but Janet has been surprising me with her skills as a mother

Pretty sure this turkey thinks he's a chicken

Can you guess which one's are turkeys? The baby chicks are growing fast!

The path down to the goats and chickens can be treacherous this time of year

Our home tends to blend in with the snow

I wish we all could have the happy spirit of our dogs. It seems like nothing ever bothers them.


  1. hattie would like to say for the record that her nose is bothering her....
    also, this says it was posted by me, but it was posted by ed! oopsy

  2. Quite a beautiful spot you have. I am almost ready to look at other people's snow - just no more of my own! I love the ears on those kids - and I love that gangly chick/poult age. Great photographs.

  3. Beautiful pictures... I'd love it, but that's cause we don't get snow here. You live in paradise.
